Why eating seasonal food? Locally grown
1.Healthier: The less time there is between the produce being harvested and going into your mouth, the more nutrients you’ll get. When produce is picked before it’s ripe - harvested early (in order to be shipped, distributed), the nutrients do not fully develop in the flesh of the fruit, on their parent plant, yet plants need the sun to grow, and picking them before they are ripe cuts off the nutrient availability. Seasonal foods +local foods =fresher = more nutrients for your health and beauty + you are guaranteed to consume a variety of produce= eating a balanced diet.
2.Cheaper: Supply and demand simply explains how buying produce seasonally saves money. Produce in season is more abundant, so it is less per pound in the store. Out of season -> travel, time and added expenses .
3.Environmentally friendly: As we truck in produce from other areas, it requires gas to get the produce to the store so you know what this does to the carbon footprint!
4.Community benefit: Buying your produce from local farmer’s markets and CSA is a great way to build community:
->Feel more connected to where your food is coming from and who is growing it ( ask your farmer what practices they use to raise and harvest the crops.)
->Helps support local farms and local economy.
5.Some particular organs of the body require more support depending on the seasons. Holistically, organs are connected to your emotions, mind and spirit. Foods that are in-season contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that your body specifically needs for that current season. Once you begin eating seasonally, you will feel more in tune with your body and the nutrients that it needs & able to feel your body’s natural cravings transition with each season, which will in turn bring health and alignment :)
6.It tastes better too!! Produce that is picked when it’s fully ripened tastes amazing!!! Do you want you products ripens in a cardboard box or sprayed by chemicals to prevent it from ripening too quickly???
SO save you money and help to save the planet!
If you live in the US discover what’s in season near you: https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/
However, not everyone lives in a place where a wide variety of fresh produce grows year-round; eating plants in general, no matter where they come from, is still one of the best things you can do for your health and that of the planet. In this case frozen FRUITS AND VEGETABLES can also be a good option as the produce is picked ripe and frozen by a processor in or near the fields. ALSO To reduce your environmental footprint through diet try reducing food waste and meat consumption.However, not everyone lives in a place where a wide variety of fresh produce grows year-round; eating plants in general, no matter where they come from, is still one of the best things you can do for your health and that of the planet. In this case frozen FRUITS AND VEGETABLES can also be a good option as the produce is picked ripe and frozen by a processor in or near the fields. ALSO To reduce your environmental footprint through diet try reducing food waste and meat consumption.