Do you fear change ?
You cannot always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must dare to jump and not just dip one toe in to test the water!
I like to think: There’s more than the boat I’m in! I Take a deep breath and do it. It’s better to jump at opportunities than at conclusions.
We can’t jump while holding on anger, guilt or shame; it’s like jumping with the anchor on your back.
What’s that anchor holding you back?
People and your relationships
Feeling alone or compare yourself to others
Waiting for the right time and don’t take action
Your story and limiting beliefs
Yourself and the way you are thinking
Distractions and lost of focus
Fear of what may happen, pain or failure
Your bad habits that leads to some poor choices (consciously or subconsciously)
Lack of energy and clarity
Lack of accountability, not taking responsibility for your actions
Expecting instant result without persistence and flexibility
Lack of education and knowledge
Don't let excuses or even your unconscious mind prevent you from reaching your goals!
Do you prefer to be unhappy or uncertain?
Place the anchor on what won't change about your world. What is important to you!? It’s the core of you( family, your values and internal beliefs, commitments...)
Then you need to face challenges in order to become your very best self